Exciting news for all interested in opportunities in crypto space and blockchain jobs. Mid-last week, CryptoJobsList.com acquired BlockchainJob.co. Now we are joining forces to help you find your dream blockchain job.
Blockchain Jobs
🔗 BlockchainJob.co was started earlier this year by Ben Tossell as a part of his “10 Startups in 24 Hours”. It took about 2 hours for him to build it out without any coding. Simple tools did the job — Carrd.co, Airtable, Zapier and a few other did the job quite well 👍 Blockchain Job was primarily focused on non-technical roles in crypto space. It celebrated a fantastic Product Hunt launch on September 22nd, reaching to the Top 3 products of the day 👏 Impressive!
Psss! Ben describes in detail, how he build it in his article and shares his motivation as well:
“I saw the post ‘How to Get a Job at a Crypto Startup’ by AngelList and thought more about the non — technical roles I’ve seen popping up. To be honest, I’ve been looking at roles in crypto startups for myself.
Theres a job board for bloody everything so why not this?! Only a few jobs posted right now but expect more to be added today (and hopefully ongoing!)”
That’s right! Solving your own problems is the best way to build a product!
Crypto Jobs List: A word from Founder
I released Crypto Jobs List a bit later, around September 28, with the same mission — to find opportunities for myself and help connect professionals in the industry. I did not know about BlockchainJob.co up until our own launch on Product Hunt in mid-October. My friend Andrey Azimov sent over the link to me. I was like “Wow! Not bad!” 😃 I got focused on improving Crypto Jobs List for a few weeks, but occasionally found time to check out what Ben with his blockchain jobs project is up to. Eventually, I gathered all courage I had and decided to ping him on Twitter. I asked what his plans for his blockchain job board were and whether he was willing to sell it or at least partner. I don’t always ask questions like this, mainly because of fear of rejection. 😱 This time around I was pretty confident that Ben will just laught at me and say NO! But I was wrong. If I never asked, I would have never gotten what I wanted. This lesson is something I should (we all should) practice more often in life. At least I will!
“If I never asked, I would have never gotten what I wanted.”
Future of Crypto Jobs List 💱
We, of course, will support both types of roles: technical (blockchain developer roles) as well as non-technical. As of today we dont have a general filter checkbox for non-tech roles (but we do for 🌍 Remote roles), however we’ll soon migrate all the listings that appeared on Blockchain Job over to Crypto Jobs List. We’ll roll them out one by one in upcoming weeks. Share your thoughts with us on Twitter, and granted sufficient interest, we are happy to implement a dedicated filter checkbox for non-technical crypto jobs.
If you are looking for blockchain jobs, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on twitter and, of course, APPLY to the positions we list on the site!
Originally published at cryptojobslist.com on November 28, 2017.